Rashmi has gained recognition in film and television production, film festivals, advertising, event management, social and corporate communications. As an independent director, she set up her own production companies in Mumbai, Dubai and Toronto
Committed to gender parity, she is the India Council Chair for Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media. Awarded for Excellence in Social Impact Leadership, Rashmi is a Mentor for young women at Aspire For Her and HopeWorks and a Fellow at Aspire Circle for Social Leadership.
Rashmi is the Project Lead, Engagement and Advocacy on an in-depth Research Study, ‘Lights, Camera and Time for Action: Re-casting Gender Equality Compliant Hindi Cinema’, conducted by the School for Media and Cultural Studies, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai through a grant from the US Consulate.
She has held pivotal roles as Industry Director, Festival Producer and Jury Manager at leading international Film Festivals in Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Toronto.
In India, as Festival Director, she launched the FICCI FLO Film Festival and Forum, spearheaded MAMI – Mumbai Film Mart and Films Division – MIFF HUB, She is a Board Member, Advisor and Curator for the Samabhav Travelling Film Festival by MAVA (Men Against Violence and Abuse).
Her acclaimed documentary, Begumpura (The Wives Colony), commissioned by OMNI-Rogers Network, deals with fractured immigrant South Asian families and empowerment of the women living alone in Canada. As an Impact Producer Rashmi has promoted films on child labour and the homeless.
As Agency Producer, Rashmi worked at Contract Advertising and Bates Enterprise in Mumbai, Yarra VHQ and Filmworks in Dubai. Her corporate films were awarded for Excellence by the International Public Relations Association (IPRA) and the Association for Business Communicators, India.
Rashmi started her career in television at Doordarshan, on programs for children and youth and award winning documentaries on Ravi Shankar, Mother Teresa and Indian Classical Dances.
Rushes Inc. is an Indo – Canadian film and media production, headed by Rashmi Lamba who brings over four decades of experience in film and TV production, film festivals, advertising, event management, corporate and social communications.
Rushes Inc. produced the acclaimed impact documentary, ‘Begumpura’ (The Wives Colony) for the OMNI Rogers Network. This film was written and directed by Rashmi Lamba and was aired for over a decade across Canada on the OMNI network .
Currently, Rashmi is producing a documentary and mini-series, ‘Conversations Matter’ on healthy masculinity and ‘Devis, Damsels and Divas’: Bollywood’s Women.